
Could That Chronic Pelvic Pain Be Endometriosis?

Aug 09, 2022
Could That Chronic Pelvic Pain Be Endometriosis?
When you have chronic pelvic pain, it could be from a variety of causes. But has endometriosis ever crossed your mind? Keep reading to learn more about this condition, and if your pain is pointing toward endometriosis.

There’s no doubt that chronic pelvic pain makes everyday life difficult. It’s likely ruined your social life, and comes with a slew of other symptoms as well. If your chronic pelvic pain seems to be worse around menstruation, you could be dealing with a condition called endometriosis.

At Women’s Specialty Care SC, Dr. Karen Mass and Leslie Rubeck help you figure out what’s causing your pelvic pain. The providers have years of experience in both obstetrics and gynecology, allowing them to properly diagnose and treat your pain and endometriosis.

What is endometriosis?

As a woman, you build up a lining inside of your uterus that allows you to carry a child. However, when you aren’t pregnant, that lining sheds every month, in the form of your period. This lining is known as your endometrium.

A condition called endometriosis happens when the endometrial tissue forms abnormally outside of your uterus. It can grow around your ovaries, uterus, bowel, and bladder. This abnormal tissue can affect any area inside your pelvic cavity.

When you get your period, your hormones drastically change. This causes the abnormal tissue growing outside of your uterus to become painful and inflamed. This leads to the tissue thickening and breaking back down, causing it to become trapped in your pelvic region.

Endometriosis is a very painful condition that causes scarring and adhesions that often lead to fertility issues. The pain in your pelvis is often much more severe during your menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of endometriosis

Pelvic pain, especially around your menstrual cycle is one of the main symptoms of endometriosis. If you have pelvic pain that seems to worsen around this time, endometriosis could be the culprit.

You can also have pelvic pain during other times of the month as well, when the tissue growing outside of your uterus is irritated. Other signs and symptoms of endometriosis include:

  • Infertility
  • Pain with bowel movements
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Pain during sex
  • Low back pain 
  • Intense cramping before a period

Endometriosis can range from mild to severe, with symptoms varying from person to person. Mild endometriosis can lead to severe pain, while severe endometriosis may cause no symptoms at all.

When to see a doctor about your pain

When you have pelvic pain, the best thing to do is make an appointment with Women’s Specialty Care SC. There are a number of causes of pelvic pain, some more dangerous than others.

If your pelvic pain is affecting your normal activities, it’s best to get evaluated as soon as possible. Other reasons you should be seen by Dr. Mass include:

  • Your pain is accompanied by a fever
  • The pain changes in severity
  • Your pain goes away but returns
  • You can’t get rid of the discomfort with home care
  • Vomiting or nausea coincide with your pain
  • There’s blood in your urine or stool

If you’re generally unsure of why you’re having pain, getting treatment is the key to staying healthy. If your pain is related to endometriosis, it will likely get more intense around your period, and better during the rest of the month.

The only way to effectively diagnose endometriosis is through a diagnostic laparoscopy, after Dr. Mass evaluates your symptoms and rules out other causes. The procedure is performed if nothing else is found that could cause pain in your pelvic area.

If it’s determined that endometriosis is the culprit behind your pelvic pain, Dr. Mass and the team at Women’s Specialty Care SC are able to help. There are several treatments available to get your pain under control.

If you’re concerned your pelvic pain is due to endometriosis, don’t hesitate to call Womens Specialty Care SC today at 847-295-0433 to schedule an appointment at either office in Grayslake or Lake Forest, Illinois. You may also request a consultation using our convenient online booking feature.